Friday, October 15, 2010

Bearylicious Pumkin Pie Smoothies!

picAs a literary bear I have been brooding over bundles of books and was just enjoying the Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tale , "The Three Little Bears" when Darla Porcupine blew in with the wind and bundles of fall leaves and pushed something oh so bearylicious under my nose!

Darla and the little creatures made some pumpkin pie smoothies and let me tell you they fantabulous!

Darla wanted to share this with all the little bumpkins and pumpkins out there...

Round here in the forest the leaves are now falling

There's acorns and pinecones and cool weather calling.

We're starting to think of the winter ahead,

and bringing in harvests to keep us well fed.

While the squirrels gather nuts and the bears feast on berry,

The raccoons bring back all from the fields they can carry.

The young ones among us stay busy with play,

And everyone's hungry by end of the day.

Our favourite foods are nutritious and fast,

And if they are sweet, we know they won't last!

This treat is one that is loved by us all,

It's healthy and yummy and tastes just like fall.

Healthy Pumpkin Pie Smoothie:


Half a Frozen Banana

1/3 Cup (80 mL) canned pure pumpkin

½ -1 tsp (2mL - 5mL) pumpkin pie spice

½ cup (125mL) low fat soy or other milk

½ - 1 tsp (2mL-5mL) pure maple syrup

Dash each of nutmeg and allspice (optional)


Combine all ingredients in a blender, or blend with a hand blender until smooth. Adjust seasonings and maple syrup to taste. Garnish with a sprinkle of additional cinnamon, if desired.


Like most smoothie recipes, this is really forgiving, so the pumkin's bumpkins out there can easily vary the amount of milk and pumpkin according to their preference. Darla and Theodore don't find it has any banana taste, but if someone has a banana allergy, or just a strong aversion to banana, a few ice cubes could be substituted for the banana, and the amount of maple syrup increased to compensate for the sweetness the banana provides

- Theodore Bear

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