Wednesday, November 3, 2010

From the Ape 2 Zebra Kitchen - Bagel Clocks and Strawberry Mice - Yummy!

To go along with Darla’s Paramount Pick for this Week, the Plan Toys Activity Clock, and to continue the “Hickory Dickory Dock” theme, the Ape 2 ZebraKids food - bagel clock kitchen has prepared some fun new food creations for you to try.

They would be spectacular to send in your child’s Yubo Lunch Box for sustenance at school, and they also make a magnificent menu for breakfast this Sunday, as you set your clocks back.

“Time to Eat Bagels!”:

1. Cut a whole wheat bagel in half, and spread with cream cheese, or if nut allergies are not a concern, the nut butter of your choice.

2. Place a dried apricot into the center of the bagel half, and top with a dot of spread.

3. Cut a few small pieces off of a strip of fruit leather, and use your fingertips to roll them out into rope like shapes on a cutting board.

4. Form fruit leather ropes into the hands and numbers of the clock, and press into the spread on your bagel half.

“The Mice that Ran Up the Clock”

1. Wash and hull strawberries, and cut in half from stem end to tip end.

2. Press two mini chocolate chips into the pointed end of each strawberry half to form the eyes of your mice. Add a bit of cream cheese to the chocolate chips to form pupils if you would like.

3. Press two pieces of crisp rice cereal or slivered almond into each strawberry half to create ears on each mice, and add a third piece of rice cereal at the point of the strawberry to make a nose.

4. Create tails for your mice out of additional pieces of rope made from fruit leather, and place tails into the hollows at the back of your strawberry mice.

Kids Food - Ape 2 Zebra Kitchen - Mice

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